iPad PD Module 3.10 Classdojo

Module Aim:

Staff learn how to use Classdojo in the classroom.

Step 1 – Watch the Overview Video

Step 2 – Access the Classdojo Teacher Resources Page

Go to Classdojo Teacher Resources page to access all the information packs.

Step 3 – Access the Classdojo Presentation and Setup Guide to Create Account

Access the ClassDojo Presentation and Guide and follow the steps to create your account.

Step 4 – Create a Class

Once you’ve signed up, download the iPad app and login.  Click on the ‘+’ button in the top right of the screen and give your class a ‘class name’ and ‘grade’. Click create class.

Demonstrate Competency

Staff demonstrate competency by taking a screenshot of a class that has been created in Classdojo and submitting it to Edmodo in the iPad PD Module 3.10 Classdojo assignment.